Mailing Address: PO Box 289 Townsend, MA 01469-0289 Physical Address: 46 Emery Road. Townsend, MA 01469 |
1. This range is to be used for hand held firearms only. No shoulder fired firearms may be used. Range Committee approved exceptions may sometimes be announced if the Rifle Range is closed off for other
purposes, but rifles may NOT be fired at any of the steel targets.
Paper targets only.
2. All guns must have actions/cylinders open and unloaded until ready to shoot. Do not carry guns downrange.
3. All guns must be unloaded before you leave the range with the exception of holstered LTC carried handguns. Uncased guns are to be carried muzzle up at all times to, from, and within the range
4. Down Range Warning System MUST be used at all times whether others are present or not. See separate DRWS document
5. Target frames and bases are provided by TRG. They are the only ones to be used. Position your paper targets on the frame so that your bullets will hit the rear backstop. Do NOT set objects on the target bases and do NOT shoot targets anywhere on the flat ground. Clay targets are allowed to be placed on the rear backstop. All shooting must be done from the firing line in the covered shooting area
6. All shots must be "aimed fire". Shooters may start from a "low ready" position but there is to be no fast draw from holsters
7. Firearms, ammunition, and other restictions;
Single shot handguns like Contender, Encore, XP100, that use bottleneck rifle cartridges are not allowed on the handgun range. They must be used on the rifle range only
Any pistol caliber handgun may be used on paper targets
Any pistol caliber handgun may be used on the hanging steel targets.
Falling plate racks have strict ammunition limits to avoid damage to the racks. Powerful cartridges such as 44 Mag, 454 Casull, 460 S&W, 475 Linebaugh, 480 Ruger, 50 Action Express and 500 S&W are NOT ALLOWED on the plate racks.
No exploding targets. No bottles, cans, or junk targets