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  Townsend Rod and Gun Club

Mailing Address: PO Box 289 Townsend, MA 01469-0289

Physical Address: 46 Emery Road. Townsend, MA 01469


TRGC has installed a Down Range Warning System (DRWS) at both the rifle and pistol range.

The purpose of the DRWS is to provide audio & visual warning that someone is down range.

All members that utilize the rifle and pistol ranges will become familiar with the operation and use of the DRWS. 

The systems consist of electric switches mounted on each of the forward roof support poles, a bell and strobe lights, located under the roof and at each range entrance.  Activation of any one of the switches (moving switch lever to the up position) will cause the bell to ring for 10 seconds, and all the strobes to flash until the switch is deactivated (moved to the down position).

DRWS Operating Instructions

When a shooter needs to go down range, first call a cease fire  and ensure that all shooters acknowledge the cease fire, then activate the DRWS. Give all shooters time to CLEAR THEIR GUNS, (firearms unloaded, magazines out, actions open) and shooters have stepped back from the tables or front rail. Announce loudly, that the "range is cold”.  Proceed down range.     

The switch for the DRWS must be turned on from your shooting position before going down range, even if the lights are already illuminated by other shooters. The only person allowed to turn off the switch is the person who turned it on at their own shooting position.      

The last shooter to turn the DRWS off will announce that the “range is hot.” Guns may now be handled and shooting may resume.

Non-gun handling activities are allowed, while the range is cold and the DRWS is operating, such as reloading magazines only at the bench/shelf to the rear, not at the shooting benches. All individuals MUST STAY CLEAR of the shooting benches / front rail and guns when the DRWS is activated.

Should you arrive at the range while the lights are flashing, you will NOT bring an uncased gun onto the range until the lights are turned off and the range declared "hot"

This new policy is for everyone's safety. Please make it a permanent part of your range habits and encourage your fellow shooters to do the same.

© 2024 Townsend Rod and Gun Club. All rights reserved.

"Townsend Rod and Gun Club" is a not for profit organization. Owned and operated by the membership. 

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