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  Townsend Rod and Gun Club

Mailing Address: PO Box 289 Townsend, MA 01469-0289

Physical Address: 46 Emery Road. Townsend, MA 01469

Our Bylaws

Last updated March 20, 2025

Article I: Club Name

The name of the organization shall be The Townsend Rod and Gun Club, Incorporated Herein known as: “The Club”.

Location Address: 46 Emery Road, Townsend, MA 01469

Mailing Address:
Townsend Rod & Gun Club, Incorporated,
P.O. Box 289,
Townsend, MA 01469-0289.

Article II: Object and Purpose

The object and purpose of the club is to better the hunting and fishing conditions; respect wildlife, fellow sportsmen and sportswomen and the landowner; and create a friendlier atmosphere among those interested in these sports. To acquire, purchase, erect, hold, improve, lease and maintain real and personal property as may be necessary and appropriate for the carrying out of the purpose as above stated.

Article III: Membership/Voting


III.1.1 MEMBERSHIP LIMIT:  There shall be a limit to the number of club memberships. This limit is recommended  by the Board of Directors (BOD) and is to be approved by the voting members of the club at the annual September meeting.  Memberships are defined below, and each type constitutes one membership.  However, the member and “attached” spouse  in the Member and Married Spouse membership type, as well as the “attached” spouse in the Life Membership type,  would each be considered individual members and treated as individual members for voting purposes. 

III.1.2  CITIZENSHIP:  Any US citizen, or legal non-resident of the United States, may submit an application for membership.

III.1.3 DEFINITION OF A MEMBER:  To be considered a member of the club, you must complete ALL THREE of the following steps.

III.1.3.1 Be interviewed by the BOD for potential membership approval.

III.1.3.2 Be approved for membership by the voting members of the club.

III.1.3.3  Attend an orientation session and sign and return the signature pages in the orientation package to the orientation leader.

III.1.3.4  Upon completion of these three steps, your membership in the membership application will be approved and a gate access card issued.  



III.2.1  ‘INDIVIDUAL’ Membership:  Any person 18 years of age or older.


III.2.2.1 Membership:  this membership  is defined as a legally married couple as defined in Mass. General Laws.  One spouse must choose to be the primary member, or  “Bundle Coordinator” and the other spouse  “attaches” as a  “Bundle Member” in the membership application. Both members will each have one vote. This membership includes children until  their 18th birthday. Once a child reaches the age of 18, if continued membership is desired, they must then apply for an INDIVIDUAL  membership; STUDENT membership, if appropriate, (See STUDENT MEMBERSHIP) or, drop to guest status. (See guest rules).

III.2.2.2 Death or Divorce:  Should a death or divorce occur, the remaining member(s) must convert their membership(s) to INDIVIDUAL memberships, with the new individual membership(s) maintaining the original “renewal due on” date and original “member since” date.  The children would continue to be included under a member parent until their 18th birthday.

III.2.3  LIFE MEMBERSHIP:  A Life membership member shall be a member in good standing who has paid dues for the previous ten (10) consecutive years, with no lapses in membership during those preceding 10 years prior to reaching  the age of sixty-five (65) or older.  If the life member  (Bundle Coordinator) is legally married, the spouse of the life member can be ‘attached’ to the life membership as a Bundle Member, if desired.  Should the life member (Bundle Coordinator) lose their membership (death, relinquishing membership etc.) the spouse (Bundle Member) also loses their “attached” life membership status, but may apply for life membership through the BOD if 65 years old or older and had 10 consecutive years of membership in good standing.  Should a divorce occur, the life member  (Bundle Coordinator) maintains their LIFE MEMBERSHIP, but the Bundle Member would lose their “attachment” to the life membership and would need to notify the BOD for approval to maintain longevity and membership of good standing as a Life Member, or, barring that, convert their membership to Individual Member should they choose to remain a member of the club. In either case, they would have to attend an orientation if they had not previously done so to be issued a gate access card.  They would  maintain their original “member since” date and a “renewal due” date of the time of their conversion if converted to Individual Membership.  The BOD will notify the Corresponding Secretary of their decision  that is to be implemented by the Corresponding Secretary.

III.2.4 STUDENT MEMBERSHIP: A Student Member is any person 18 years or older, who is a full time student up to age of 23 at the time of application or renewal.  A student member pays reduced membership dues but no fees.  A student member will have the full use of the club facilities, may vote in any matters of the club and hold office.  Full time students over the age of 23 at the time of their application, will need to be reviewed by the BOD on an individual basis to maintain their status.  In order to take advantage of the discounted membership, the individual must be, or accepted as, a full time student at the time of their application to the club or renewal of their student membership.  In every case, the applicant or student renewing,  must provide proof of school enrollment to include both:  1) a copy of their student ID; and 2) a course list to reflect enrollment as a full time student.  These can be uploaded as an attachment to their application (preferred), or, copies emailed to the officers of the club and the information entered as a comment in the applicant’s membership application record.  Proof of full time enrollment and copy of their school ID, is required for each and every membership renewal while claiming student membership.  Renewals will not be automatic; documentation must be made and submitted at the time of each annual renewal.

III.2.5 JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP: A junior member is any person 16 - 17 years old, under a Family membership. Junior members will have limited use of the club facilities; these facilities include Archery, Fishing, Air guns and the trails (No motorized vehicles). ACCESS TO ALL FIREARMS RANGES IS PROHIBITED.

Junior member applicants and their parent/ guardian must be interviewed by the Board of Directors, each year until they reach the age of 18. Parent/guardian must sign a waiver agreeing to the terms of the junior membership. Once the junior member is approved, they must attend an orientation session with a member of the Board of Directors. After which they will receive a gate access card. JUNIOR MEMBERS CANNOT BRING GUESTS.

Section 2: Members

A member that acts contrary to The Club By-Laws, posted or written rules and regulations, or behaves in a manner that would bring discredit to The Club, may be:

A. Suspended by the Board of Directors for a period of not more than one (1) year or: B. Suspended by the Board of Directors or any Officer of the club for any By-Law

or written General Rules violation. Pending notification, the member gate access card may be disabled immediately. Suspension reported to the Board of Directors for further action.



III.3.1 VOTING MEMBERSHIP:  Any member in good standing eighteen (18) years of age or older.

III.3.2 NEW MEMBERS:  New members  are not eligible to vote until the next regular membership or special meeting after they have completed the orientation process.



III.4.1 DUES AND FEES:  All required dues and fees for the new member application MUST be paid prior to the membership meeting they will be attending to be approved for club membership.


A CLUB MEMBER SPONSOR MUST ATTEND THE BOD INTERVIEW WITH THE APPLICANT(S).  If subsequently approved by the BOD, the interviewed applicant(s) must then attend a regularly scheduled membership meeting to be approved for club membership. The club member sponsor does not have to be present for the membership vote.

III.4.3 PROBATION PERIOD:  Newly elected members will be on a twelve (12)month probation period.

III.4.4 ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY DEPLOYMENT:  When an Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve Military member is deployed, and their membership lapses during deployment, or within 12 months of their return, the member must approach the BOD to explain their situation.   The BOD will then determine the procedure to be followed to restore membership and notify the Corresponding Secretary of their determination to implement in the membership application.

III.4.5 LAPSED MEMBERSHIP:  Membership fees are due annually ON OR BEFORE the “RENEWAL DUE ON” field in the member’s membership application record. Any member who has failed to pay their dues within 30 days after their “RENEWAL DUE ON” date is considered a lapsed member and their membership ceases and will be suspended/archived in the membership management application and their gate access card de-activated. In the case of the Member and Married Spouse memberships and Life memberships with a spouse attached, since the spouse is “attached” to the primary member, BOTH members are considered lapsed. To rejoin the club, any members whose membership has lapsed, shall be required to complete the ENTIRE new member application process.  This lapse in membership voids any previous consecutive number of years credited towards Life Membership.

III.4.6 INACTIVE APPLICATIONS:  Anyone who has submitted an application for membership online, and has not continued the membership process within three months of their application, shall have their application deleted with dues, but not application fees, refunded. 

III.4.7 MEMBERSHIP  APPLICATION PROCESSES:  Application for membership is made electronically via the WWW.TRGC.CLUB website.  By submitting the application online, the applicant(s) attest that they consent to the provisions of the “LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY” contained in the By-Laws, which releases the club from any responsibility for accidents and/or injuries of any kind which the member or his/her guest may suffer on the club’s property. 

III.4.7.1 INDIVIDUAL OR STUDENT MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION STEPS:  Select and complete the INDIVIDUAL or STUDENT application as appropriate.  Dues and fees (if applicable) must be paid at application.  The next step is to attend a mandatory BOD interview whose members will also evaluate the application for completeness and accuracy.  A CLUB MEMBER SPONSOR MUST ATTEND THE BOD INTERVIEW WITH THE APPLICANT. When approved by the BOD, the member MUST attend a membership meeting for approval by the general membership. A CLUB MEMBER SPONSOR MUST ATTEND THE MEMBERSHIP MEETING  WITH THE APPLICANT.  Upon approval by the membership, they are  required to attend an orientation by a BOD member within three months of their membership meeting approval to  receive their gate access cards (section 11.7) or their application will be rejected.  The club sponsor need not attend the orientation with the applicants.


III. The primary member completes the Member and Married Spouse application (including limited spouse information) and pays the dues and fees. 

III. The legally married spouse must simultaneously fill out and submit a Married Spouse SUPPLEMENT application for themselves, but does NOT pay any dues or fees.

III. THE APPLICANTS MUST BOTH ATTEND, WITH A CLUB MEMBER SPONSOR, a BOD interview whose members will also evaluate the application for completeness and accuracy. 


III. Following membership approval, they must BOTH attend an orientation by a BOD member to obtain their gate access card (section 11.7) within three months of the membership meeting approval or their application will be rejected. For Member and Married Spouse applicants, they should both try to attend the same orientation, but can attend separate sessions if attendance at the same session is unavoidable.  However, the spouse’s record will not be “attached” to the primary member’s record, nor will a gate access card be issued, until the spouse’s  orientation is completed.  Failure of the spouse to complete these three steps within three months of the membership vote, will have their record suspended/archived and the primary member’s membership application  will be changed to Individual type, while maintaining their original “member since” and “renewal due dates.”

III.4.8 MEMBERS DESIRING A GATE ACCESS CARD FOR THE FIRST TIME, having never previously gone through the orientation process:

  •        Spouse of an existing member OR
  •     A divorced or surviving member of a Member & Married Spouse membership converting to Individual membership, OR        
  •    any existing member who has never gone  through orientation

There should be an existing membership record in the membership application, so the individual must  attend a BOD meeting to complete any missing information in the record. When the interview is completed, the BOD is to email the Corresponding Secretary that an orientation package should be created for this member and who makes a note in the member’s record of the BOD approval.  NO membership meeting approval nor club sponsor attendance is required.  They must then attend an orientation led by a BOD member to receive their gate access card (section 11.7) within three months.

III.4.9 UNMARRIED MEMBER MARRIAGE:   If an existing Individual member marries, and wants to add their spouse to their membership, the new SPOUSE must complete an INDIVIDUAL application but does NOT pay any dues or application fees. The existing member and new spouse MUST attend a BOD meeting  for an interview and subsequently attend a membership meeting together for spousal approval. No sponsor is required.  After the membership meeting approval, the spouse must then attend an orientation led by a BOD member within three months of the membership meeting approval, to receive their gate access card.  The Corresponding Secretary then converts the original member’s record to Member & Married Spouse and reconciles the two spouse files prior to “attaching” it to the primary member’s record.


III.5 REFUND OF DUES:  There are no refunds or partial refunds of membership dues or fees for any situation except if the applicant is not accepted into the club. Those dues, but not the application fees, are to be refunded.


III.6 UNDEFINED SITUATIONS:  Any membership situation not specifically defined in the bylaws, is to be referred to the BOD for determination of processes to be followed.  The Corresponding Secretary would then implement the determined process.



III.7.1 It is mandatory that in order to receive a gate access card, each and every NEW member desiring a gate access card, MUST attend a club orientation from a BOD member.  This includes the spouse for Member and Married Spouse applicants as well.  A government issued or employer issued  PICTURE ID must be shown to receive the gate access card.  Their club sponsor need not attend the orientation with them.

III.7.2 If a previously accepted member desires a gate access card but had not gone through orientation, they must attend an orientation to receive a gate access card. This includes the spouses for Married and Married Spouse and Life type memberships.

III.7.3 Orientations are normally held the Sunday after the membership meeting accepting new members.  Special arrangements may be made with a BOD member for other times, if agreeable, if there are extenuating  circumstances.

III.7.4 The orientation materials and requirements are to be specified by the BOD and administered by the Corresponding Secretary.

III.7.5 The completed, signed orientation package acknowledgement forms, are to be returned to the Corresponding Secretary by the BOD leader, as well as any gate access cards not issued.

III.7.6 The gate access card is for the exclusive use of the member to whom it is issued. The loan of, sharing of, or permitting the use of it by any other person, is strictly forbidden.


Article IV: Officers, Directors and Standing Committee

Section 1: Officers

The Officers of The Club shall consist of: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2: Board of Directors (BOD)

The Board of Directors shall consist of minimum of seven (7) or a maximum nine (9) voting members, who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors shall be the Advisory Group to the Club and its officers. They shall elect their Chairman and Recording Secretary. They shall have the authority to spend an amount not to exceed $3,000 in matters considered by them as emergencies.

Section 3: Standing Committees

The Standing Committees and their appointments shall remain with the

President. When there is an emergency and the membership is unable to meet and a

committee exceeds their budget and cannot do business, a justification should

be brought to the B.O.D. in writing why more funding is needed. The B.O.D. is authorized to approve an additional amount not to exceed $1000.00 per committee in a fiscal year.

The membership shall be notified by e-mail of the B.O.D. increase.

Section 1: Duties of the Board of Directors (BOD)

The Board of Directors (BOD) shall meet monthly and/or at the call of the

President or any officer of the club. The monthly meeting is to conduct

business on behalf of The Club. The Board of Directors has the right to call

Committee Heads to this meeting if it is deemed necessary. The Board of

Directors Recording Secretary will present summary at the monthly meeting of

club members. The quorum for any meeting of the (BOD) shall be a minimum

of five (5) members. In the event of an emergency, the BOD with minimum of

five (5) members, voting by “telephone” and or “electronic communications” if

necessary, may conduct emergency business. Emergency business will

defined as buildings, utilities and roads with authorization to spend up to the

amount of monies for the required costs for repairs with the agreement of the

club President and Treasurer.

A. Rifle Range
B. Trap Range
C. Property and Grounds
D. Finance
E. Entertainment
F. Legislation
G. Remembrance
H. Fish & Game
I. Archery
J. Black Powder
K. Forestry
L. Historian
M. Coon Dog
N. Kitchen
O. Advertising
P. Media
Q. Action Shooting Committee

R. Safety

Article V: Duties of Officers and Directors

Section 1: Duties of the Board of Directors (BOD)

The Board of Directors (BOD) shall meet monthly and/or at the call of the President or any officer of the club. The monthly meeting is to conduct business on behalf of The Club. The Board of Directors has the right to call Committee Heads to this meeting if it is deemed necessary. The Board of Directors Recording Secretary will present summary at the monthly meeting of club members. The quorum for any meeting of the (BOD) shall be a minimum of five (5) members. In the event of an emergency, the BOD with minimum of five (5) members, voting by “telephone” and or “electronic communications” if necessary, may conduct emergency type business. When such an emergency type business is conducted, the Chairman, or the Officer functioning under the Chairman’s authority, shall make a complete written report to the full Board at their next regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Directors shall obtain and approve all insurance policies of The Club.

Section 2: Duties of the President

The President shall manage the affairs of The Club, with the advisement of the Board of Directors, and shall preside over all monthly meetings of The Club. The President may at his/her direction call meetings of The Club, Directors and any Committee. He/She shall perform all duties required by the By-Laws of The Club. He/She shall appoint the Nominating Committee, the Grievance Committee, the By-Law Committee, and the Election Committee when required. The President shall obtain the State Corporate License, read over, and submit to the Treasurer for payment. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the Chair of the Board of Directors, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary shall preside at all monthly meetings in that order.

Section 3: President’s Special Committees

a. Nominating Committee
The President can either appoint a chair and have the chair pick the rest of the committee, or the President can pick the entire committee himself. The Nominating Committee shall bring in at the meeting preceding the Annual Meeting, a list of names to be voted as officers and any elected officials for the ensuing year.

b. Grievance Committee is appointed to hear a protest of expulsion or suspension by the Board of Directors from the member in question.

c. By-Law Committee is appointed when the President deems it necessary to have the By-Laws looked at for possible change. The President can appoint a chair and have the chair pick the rest of the committee, or pick the entire committee himself. Any changes this committee makes must go through the Board of Directors before being presented to the membership.

d. Election Committee shall be appointed by the President on the night of the election. The Election Committee shall be different from the Nominating Committee. They are responsible for the counting of the votes cast at the Annual election. They should select a spokesperson to address the members of the results.

Section 4: Duties of the Vice President

In case of the absence or disability of the President and provided he is authorized by the President or the Board of Directors so to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of that office. The Vice President shall have such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or by the President. The Vice President shall see that all licenses, such as the State Corporate License, Fish Propagation License, plus the club’s insurance policy or policies and Performance Bond or Bonds are renewed on an annual basis and report same to The Club during the fiscal year.

Section 5: Duties of the Recording Secretary

The Recording secretary shall keep a true record of all monthly and special meetings.

Section 6: Duties of the Corresponding Secretary

The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of The Club and keep all membership records for The Club and be responsible for the collection of dues and turning them over to the Treasurer. The Corresponding Secretary shall have a current list available at each monthly meeting.

Section 7: Duties of the Treasurer

The Treasurer shall collect and have charge of all funds and pay all validated bills of The Club. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of transactions and make a monthly report of same. The Treasurer shall collect any monies and paperwork from the Committees at the monthly BOD or regular meeting following an event. The Treasurer shall, when required by law, make a Federal Tax Return, and give an annual statement of all financial transactions from the preceding fiscal year to the membership. The Treasurer will be the advisor to the Finance Committee.

Article VI: Suspension or Expulsion of Officers, Directors, Members

Section 1: Officers, Directors
A. A member in good standing may prefer charges against any Officer or Director.
Charges must be in writing, clearly stating the facts, and must be accompanied by
supporting evidence, which will be used to support the charge(s). Such charge(s) shall be
filed with the Recording Secretary who will immediately notify the President. If charges
are filed against the Recording Secretary, they shall be submitted to the Vice President.
B. Upon notification that charges have been filed, the President will call a meeting of the
Board of Directors. Notice of the meeting must be given by the Secretary, allowing a
minimum of fifteen days (15) notice of the meeting to each Board member, and the
accused, and the accuser. Notice will be given in writing, and will include a true copy of
the charges and supporting affidavits and exhibits.
C. Any Officer or Director subject to suspension or expulsion must be given a minimum
of fifteen days (15) notice of the time and place of the special meeting for a full hearing.
An Officer or Director may be removed by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members of
good standing present and voting at the special meeting.
D. At the special meeting called for the purpose of hearing the charges, the
Secretary will keep minutes of all actions taken and will record the vote. A secret vote
will be taken after all testimony has been heard. The Secretary shall, at the next regularly
scheduled meeting of the Club, read the minutes of the special meeting of the Board of
Directors at which the charges were heard and the action taken. A vote taken at the
membership meeting will be a ballot of the members in good standing and present. It
shall require a two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present to reverse an actions taken
by the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Members
A member that acts contrary to The Club By-Laws, posted or written rules an regulations,
or behaves in a manner that would bring discredit to The Club, may be:
A. Suspended by the Board of Directors for a period of not more than one (1) year or:
B. Expelled permanently from membership by a two thirds (2/3) secret ballot vote of the
Board of Directors. Any member so suspended, may request in writing, a hearing on the
suspension/expulsion, through the Grievance Committee, consisting of at least three (3)
members. If the Grievance Committee finds just cause for a hearing by the full
membership, they will demand that the BOD take the matter before the entire
membership, either at a regular meeting or a special meeting called specifically for the
purpose of reviewing the matter. If a special hearing is called, the membership, after
hearing the case, may, by secret ballot, vote to either uphold or deny the suspension/
expulsion. A simple majority will prevail. If the Grievance Committee upholds the
decision of the Board of Directors, no further discussion will be allowed to be raised from
them at any regular monthly meetings. Any member violating this provision will
themselves become subject to suspension or expulsion.

Article VII: Duties of Standing Committees
The Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board
of Directors within two (2) weeks after the annual meeting. Their duties shall be as
A. Rifle Range Committee shall have full charge of the rifle and pistol range or any
other events that are conducted with firearms at the rifle range. They may arrange for any
and all activities with other appropriate committees of The Club.
B. Trap Range Committee shall have full charge of trap shooting, skeet shooting, or any
other events that are conducted with firearms on the trap shooting grounds and skeet
field. They may arrange for tournaments or weekly activities with other appropriate
committees of The Club.
C. Property and Grounds Committee shall be responsible for upkeep of the grounds
and club property. They shall coordinate with and assist other committees using the
D. Finance Committee will audit the Treasurer’s and Corresponding Secretary’s
accounts, and all other committees that have accounts at least annually. They will work
with the Treasurer to set up an Annual Budget for the Club.
E. Entertainment Committee shall have charge of various forms of entertainment for
the Club.
F. Legislation Committee and delegates to the organizations which The Club belongs to,
or their alternates shall make reports and recommendations on matters within the scope of
the Club for the purpose and interest to the membership.
G. Remembrance Committee shall send flowers and cards to all members and
immediate family members in case of illness or death, all at the discretion of the
H. Fish and Game Committee shall purchase fish from a club approved vendor and
have charge of ordering and releasing all fish and game bought by or donated to The
Club. This Committee is also responsible for the care and renewal of Fish Propagation
I. Archery Committee shall oversee all archery events and the promotion of archery in
the Club. This Committee is also responsible for the upkeep of all archery ranges,
indoors, outdoors and all equipment.
J. Black Powder shall oversee all black powder events and the promotion of primitive
skills in the club. This Committee is also responsible for the upkeep of the black powder
range and meeting areas/shelters.
K. Forestry Committee within the Club for the purpose of maintaining Chapter 61 (Tree
and Farm Act), and for the conservation of water and forest products and for the good of
the Club. The Forestry Chairperson shall have the authority to sign the Forestry Contracts
and provide a copy of the contract to the Board of Directors.
L. Historian shall keep records of the history of the Club and file such records at The
M. Coon Dog Committee shall have charge of all coon dog events and be responsible
for the maintenance of related equipment.
N. Kitchen Committee shall have charge of the kitchen and support all club events.
O. Advertising Committee shall arrange for press releases and advertising in local print
media for club events.
P. Media Committee shall maintain the club website and electronic communication
services such as email for the promotion of club events and dissemination information.
All Committee Chairpersons will be responsible for turning in all monies and paperwork
from events on a monthly basis. The Committee Chairpersons should turn in the funds
and paperwork to the Treasurer at the following monthly BOD or regular meeting.
Q. Action Shooting Committee shall have full charge of the Action Shooting ranges or any
other events that are conducted at the Action Shooting range(s). They may arrange for any
and all activities with other appropriate committees of The Club.

R. The Safety Committee shall be responsible for advising the club on matters of safety. The safety committee will provide a report in writing on all safety issues to the board of directors on their second meeting each year. The Safety Committee will look into safety issues as directed by the Board of Directors, Vice President or by the President. The Safety Committee will make recommendations on improving safety at the club.

Article VIII: Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
Regular meetings are to be held on the “first Monday” of each month. The meeting shall
start promptly at 7:00 PM, unless an announcement is made otherwise.
Section 2: Special Meetings
“Special Meetings” may be called by the President, and/or The Board of Directors. Also,
upon the request of a minimum of ten (10) members, having submitted a signed petition.
When such is made, the Board of Directors must take action on the request within, (30)
days after receipt of such request. Notice of any Special Meeting must be communicated
electronically, which will suffice in notifying all members of said meeting.
Section 3: Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held on the second Monday of September. This meeting will
include installation of Officers and Directors.
Section 4: Quorum
The quorum for any meeting shall be a minimum of nine (9) voting members.
Section 5: Rules of Order
All meetings of The Club shall be governed by and conducted in accordance with
Robert’s Rules of Order, a copy of which shall be available at every meeting.
Section 6: Attendance of Nonmembers
Nonmembers may attend any meeting of The Club. However, they may not participate in
any discussion or vote on any motion made at the meeting.
Section 7: Meeting of Officers and Directors
The meetings of the Board of Directors (BOD) shall be open to all members. Only after
being recognized will a member be allowed to participate, and then, only on the subject
for which the member has been recognized. Further, should the Chair, or in his absence,
Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, deem it necessary, he/she may call the Board into
Executive Session and close the meeting to all but the BOD members.
Section 8: Order of Business
The following Order of Business shall prevail at all Board of Directors and
General Membership Meetings:
· Meeting called to order
· Roll call of members
· Report of Recording Secretary
· Report of the Treasurer
· Report of the Corresponding Secretary
· Election of Members
· Report of Committees
· Unfinished Business
· New Business
· Good of the Club
· Adjournment
Article IX: Elections
Section 1: Officers and Directors
Nominations to fill the positions as Officers and Directors in The Club shall be made in
July and August. Nominations shall be made by the Nominating Committee. Additional
nominations will be accepted from the membership at the July and August meetings.
Nominations will be accepted from the floor the night of the Annual Meeting. Elections
shall be conducted in September, at which time, newly elected Officers shall be installed.
All terms will run for one (1) year.
Section 2: Voting
Voting in elections shall be by secret ballot. Ballots shall be destroyed by the Secretary
after the results have been confirmed by the Election Committee. The results of the count
shall be recorded and maintained by the Secretary.
Article X: Dues
Section 1: Structure of Dues
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to review the dues structure of The
Club and to make recommendations to the membership concerning same.
Upon approval of changes in the structure of dues, entry fees, and other fees, this
information shall be displayed on the Club bulletin board and sent electronically.
Section 2: Payment of Dues
The membership dues of The Club shall be determined by the Board of Directors and
approved by the membership. The dues are payable on or before the members annual date of acceptance to the club. Any member who has not paid their dues by one month after the end of their annual date of acceptance will be considered a lapsed member and will be subject to Article III Section 5.

Section 4.
Article XI: Guests
Members of The Club may bring up to three (3) guests to the Club, but anyone individual
can only enter Club grounds as a guest no more than three (3) times. Guests may not
remain on club grounds if the member leaves. Members are responsible for all the
actions and conduct of their guest while on club grounds. All guests must be
accompanied by a member at all times.
Article XII: Interpretation of By-Laws
In respect to all questions on the interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws of The
Club, the decision of the Board of Directors will be final.
Article XIII: Limitation of Liability
The Club shall not assume any responsibility for accidents or injuries of any nature
whatsoever received by any member or guest using club facilities, or participating in any
game, event or contest, or receiving injuries from any cause while participating in any
activity on club grounds or events sponsored by the club, but not on club property.
Article XIV: Dissolution of The Club
If at any time the organization should be disbanded or dissolved, all assets of The Club
should be used for conservation and wildlife purposes only. The Club and its grounds will
be reverted to an appropriate land management agency as directed by a two thirds (2/3)
vote of the voting members. Change to the by- laws: This latter provision will not be
changed by the vote of The Club.
Article XV: Amendments to the By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws of The Club may be amended, altered, repealed, or a By-
Law added, by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present and voting at any
meeting, providing such intent to amend, alter, repeal, or add a By-Law has been
submitted in writing to and approved by the Board of Directors (BOD). The by-law
change will then be posted on The Club Website for at least seven (7) days prior to the
next regular monthly members meeting and email sent out to all members (with a valid
email address) again at least 7 days prior to the next regular monthly members meeting.
The By-Law change will then be brought to the floor for discussion at said meeting and a
vote taken. If the by-law if further amended by the members, a second seven (7) day
publication and revote will be made at the following regular members meeting. The
exception to this article is Article 14.

Article XVI: Sale or Purchase of Property

The selling of any Club assets, excluding land and buildings, or the purchase of any by The Club, shall require a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present and voting. Members of The Club must be notified of the action to be taken in a clearly described notice, which shall be distributed/published electronically. The Secretary shall record the names of all those present, and confirm their membership standing. Voting shall be by secret ballot. The results will be counted, verified by a second count, and then recorded.

Gate Access

Any member who loses their membership gate card will have their card replaced after the associated fee that has been paid to the club.

© 2024 Townsend Rod and Gun Club. All rights reserved.

"Townsend Rod and Gun Club" is a not for profit organization. Owned and operated by the membership. 

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software